Foods Of The Rich & Powerful, Our One-Minute Cooking Tip, Foods We're Glad To See Gone, Pappadums, Rice Cookers & More!
The good and the bad. We've got it all. Foods that are for the rich & powerful. And gross foods that brands created and that have thankfully gone away.
Hi! We're Bruce Weinstein & Mark Scarbrough, the authors of over three dozen cookbooks under our own names, plus more for celebs, plus two knitting books for Bruce and a bookish memoir for Mark. Check out Bruce's book KNITS MEN WANT. And check out Mark's memoir, BOOKMARKED.
In this podcast episode, we're talking about foods favored by the rich & powerful. We've got a one-minute cooking tip about maple syrup. We're talking about gross and disgusting foods that brands have created and thankfully retired. And we tell you what's making us happy in food this week.
Here are the segments of this episode of COOKING WITH BRUCE & MARK:
[00:59] Foods of the rich & powerful. Here are some of the favorites of the robber barons of our day.
[14:02] Our one-minute cooking tip: how to store real maple syrup.
[15:42] What were they thinking with these foods? We do love a good gross-out segment. Here are some disgusting food products that brands have thankfully retired from our supermarket's shelves.
[23:08] What’s making us happy in food this week? Pappadums and rice cookers!