All About Eggs, Our One-Minute Cooking Tip, An Interview With Lisa Steele, Oreos, Turkey, & More!
Eggs. They're for breakfast, lunch, and dinner at our house. In fact, a fried egg is a favored lunch around here.
We're veteran cookbook authors Bruce Weinstein & Mark Scarbrough, authors of over three dozen titles including what may well be our favorite: THE ULTIMATE COOKBOOK, which best fulfills our notion of great food. (You can find it here.)
Let's talk about eggs. We'll let you know the facts about them for the United States' market. Bruce will also interview popular influencer and blogger Lisa Steele, a self-proclaimed chicken wrangler, about her new cookbook THE FRESH EGGS DAILY COOKBOOK.
We've got a one-minute cooking tip about separating eggs. And we'll tell you what's making us happy in food this week.
Here are the segments for this episode of COOKING WITH BRUCE & MARK:
[00:21] Here's everything you need to know about eggs, particularly geared to the U. S. market.
[11:20] Our one-minute cooking tip: The best ways to separate eggs when you need the yolks and whites in different bowls.
[12:21] Bruce's interview with chicken wrangler and egg expert Lisa Steele of and author of THE FRESH EGGS DAILY COOKBOOK.
[22:35] What’s making us happy in food this week? Oreos and turkey!