Air fryers are the new Instant Pots. Air fryers may well be the appliance of the year, if not of the decade. Crunch with almost no oil. You can't beat that. And you can recharge leftovers in a snap.
Join us, Bruce Weinstein & Mark Scarbrough, as we talk about one of our favorite appliances: the air fryer. We've written several cooks on air-frying, including THE ESSENTIAL AIR FRYER BIBLE (with hundreds of recipes, which you can find here) and THE LOOK AND COOK AIR FRYER BIBLE (with hundreds of photos, one for each step, which you can find here).
We'll get you started with an air fryer: how to choose the right model, how to work it as a beginner, and how to get the most out of this countertop appliance.
We've always got an air fryer on the counter. Join us for a discussion of how to get started with this amazing machine.